Your Adverse Childhood Experiences may have created Wounds, together we can rebalance your Power
-1 John 4:18
When I worked in the corporate environment, I had a solid secure income, savings, pension, no debt.
Inside I did not feel valued, I often judged my level of my success by the balance in my bank account which I felt was never enough, I strived for higher financial goals but never felt satisfied.
Then, I became an entrepreneur who I quickly realized that my negative money thoughts, anxiety around money, beliefs of not enough and hidden fears were not in alignment with the success I desired to achieve.
These words would change my world.
"The Energy of Money"
Your wholeness and well-being is influenced by your feelings, emotions, and actions.
"Our emotions can teach us how free we truly are"
Anxieties, denial, avoiding money issues or engaging in challenging conversations, impulsive spending, keeping secrets, looking to others for financial security rather than believing in your capabilities, and never feeling there is enough can be wounds imprinted from childhood, which may be wrecking your relationships in life and money.
If you are a professional in a career or entrepreneur who is ready to change how you think and feel about yourself, relationships, and money. You have been guided to the right place.
Book Your Discovery CallRead my article in Brainz magazine
"The Key to Happiness is to live your Truth"
The truth looks like you, living in integrity as your authentic whole self.
Healed from the wounds created by our past.
As a young mother, I struggled with depression, and an unhappy marriage, and I wanted things to be different.
I looked towards my childhood wounds to create change.
I was placed for adoption twice before the age of one.
My family did keep me, and I grew up in an environment of abuse, addiction, and violence.
My father, suffered from a mental illness and would never support our family physically, emotionally, or financially.
A family that did not know how to express love easily.
I prayed that one day God would make me happy. My prayers would be answered.
With a willingness to break free from a cycle of generational hurts, I followed my intuition.
I discovered I was born Loved, Enough, and Worthy.
My unhealthy relationships were a result of my childhood imprints.
Let me assure you, there is no blame, only understanding as I learned from lessons that opened my heart to fulfill my desires for more happiness, healthier relationships, and financial freedom found in the fruits of the spirit when sharing my unique gifts and talents.
"That's Alignment"
Proverbs 3:5.6
Your money story might not be in alignment with the success you want to create or the purpose God has in store for you. Money wounds like shame, quilt, or fear can prevent you from feeling the wholeness of God's love that already exists within.
In fact, on an unconscious level, most of us are creating from our fears of losing or the pursuit of our money goals that are from a place of selfishness, greed, approval seeking, or influenced by the opinions of people around us. Creating more unhappiness, and unhealthy relationships and robbing us of the freedom we desire.
Sacred Money Archetypes hold keys to the real you because they help you become aware of the unconscious behaviors, patterns, thoughts, and emotions you have about money and abundance and how to transcend them in the moment they show up, allowing us to break free.
What subconscious beliefs have authority over you that will reveal whom you are serving? Let me explain, if you feel you are not enough, you may hold yourself back from fulfilling God's purpose for you. Lack of worth might lead you to remain in unhealthy relationships or patterns. Avoidance may lead to avoiding difficult conversations or validating your emotions, gifts, or talents.
Understanding your Sacred Money Archetypes will help raise your level of awareness about how the story of your past may be heavily influencing your present robbing you of opportunities.
Are you stuck in the pain of past patterns or receiving value from the lessons?
If you are ready to transform your life by redirecting your energy and money towards what you value and matters most in your life. I would like to invite you to schedule your VIP DAY or explore my Sacred Money Archetypes self-directed course.
I also want you to know that this is more than about money, it's about healing your relationship to who you are on the inside and how you show up in the world as your authentic self, as love.
Money is merrily the mirror to see who holds the truest value and power.
Empathic Writer
Janet’s Sacred Money Archetype Coaching is at the core of women’s personal and professional development because it exposes and explores what we need to allow: self-value.
This work is timely, it’s needed, and it’s a gift. Thank you, Janet.
My mother once said to me, “Janet I see what you are doing. You are breaking the chains of our family. I am proud of you.”
I did not grow up in an environment that knew how to express love easily, yet it was love that I sought the most.
My father had a severe mental illness, and would never support our family emotionally, mentally, or financially.
As a young mother, I struggled with confidence, fears of making it on my own, and lack of belief in myself to create my own financial resources, I found myself trapped unhealthy relationships. I was desperate for things to change.
When I was given a key to find happiness.
I became open and willing to follow my intuition, healed from my own childhood wounds, and found happiness within myself as I connected to higher truths regarding being a child of God.
I have embraced my gifts as a teacher and with reverence I share the wisdoms that transformed my life to experience more love, truth and freedom.
I would be guided how to change my own path.
I found the courage to leave an unhealthy marriage. I had been a stay at home mom, left with no support, no alimony, only debt, which led to a personal bankruptcy and deep feelings of shame.
I was determined to find financial freedom when I obtained a career in the financial industry. I was a good money manager, had no debt, savings, pension, and a good salary.
I was happy in all areas of my life, except money.
When I applied what I knew about money thoughts, dug deeper into my own unconscious money beliefs and fears, my entire world changed and I let go of my pursuit of money.
A new birth occurred….Prosperous Woman!
As I listened to intuition to heal wounds of unworthiness, underserving, shame as attempts to building my net worth. I embrace more compassion, kindness, love, peace in understanding my enlightened net worth.
I was born enough. I just had life's experiences that taught me otherwise.
John 15:2 NIV
My StoryTransformational workshops designed to create change from the inside out. Discover unconscious fears that may be sabotaging your success. Empower healthy self-esteem with clear actionable steps and deeper understanding of your emotions and the energy of money. Embrace sustainable positive money behaviors that are in alignment with your values so you can co- create your brighter future. Live your prosperous life in alignment through clearing, and opening to receive.
This course is designed for you to create and live life in powerful alignment by looking deeper within yourself, to heal, re-align with what matters most.
After you explore all of the delicious details of what’s involved in this container and you are READY to say YES to invest in YOUR life to achieve more happiness, healthier relationships and authentic wellbeing connected to emotional freedom aligned with your soul's work.
Discover ways to take back your power and reclaim your birthright of abundance.
For things to change you have to make the choice to change. Are you ready to empower a positive new relationship within yourself by exploring what money has to teach you about emotional freedom and self- worth. Working with money from a holistic space we will explore the energy of money, clearing old emotional attachments, and aligning your inner compass. Discover keys to self-mastery and emotional mastery to access more abundance that is already within you.
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