Our healing journeys are unique and the paths I was led to may or may not resonate for you. However, there are so many resources to support healing. I encourage you to keep exploring as the road is not always easy and we don’t have to go it alone. I want to provide tools for you that may help you on your journey.

First, trust your intuition, if you ask for help, be open to receive the answer, trust when you receive it and take action. I lived in unhealthy relationships and experienced relationship violence that caused trauma for me. I was unaware because it was my normal.

Awareness is key to change, and violence in relationship, or unhealthy patterns are issues that
we are capable of changing. We are worthy of having happier lives, healthy relationships with a
sense of safety to grow in who we are.

Embracing the tools that came into my life moved me from a place of denial to creating the
reality I desired. Click the names below to access them.

Intimate Partners Violence Assessment

Jacqueline Aitken Executive Director, along with Heather King, Program Manager/ Group facilitator at PACE, Community Support, Sexual Assault, and Trauma Center, Grande Prairie, AB. Graciously agreed to let me
share an assessment that is included in a training for intimate partners violence to help women
identify patterns of abuse and where the person offending may need help.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) is a resource to help identify the impacts of abuse at an
early age that can impact both the physical and mental health in adulthood.

Sacred Money Archetypes assessment is money personality quiz to help identify your patterns,
gifts, strengths or where you are motivated from in relationship to money.

Would you like to have more happiness? Watch my BluTalks video for inspiration on how to create more happiness, healthier relationships and financial freedom.


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